Top 10 Online Stories

1 10 Sites for Differentiated Instruction
David Kapuler lists his favorite sites to help meet the needs of a variety of learners.

2 Create a Culture of Questioning and Inquiry
Blogger Nancy White suggests educators encourage more questions to make learning personal.

3 The Mixed Message of Digital Citizenship
Dean Shareski thinks it’s okay to post a variety of messages to your digital profile.

4 3 Things You Didn’t Know Microsoft Excel Could Do
Here are three things you might not have known Microsoft Excel could do.

5 Class Tech Tips: Daisy the Dinosaur to Teach Coding
This app uses an animated dinosaur to teach students the basics of coding.

6 Back-to-School Product Showcase
A guide to new tools for schools.

7 Golf, A SuperMath Game
This “site of the day” offers a virtual course on which students can use math to play golf.

8 What Is the State of Bandwidth in Your School?
This poll asks readers to share their thoughts on their school’s bandwidth situation.

9 Apps for Creativity and Imagination
Vicki Windman lists apps that develop mastery—but also let students use their imaginations.

10 Promote Good Digital Citizenship: 10 Ideas for Rich Academic Student Discussion Online
Michael Gorman offers ten rules to get you started in promoting meaningful online discussions.