T&L Live PD Library: Social Media and Other Cool Tools

T&L Live PD Library: Social Media and Other Cool Tools

New from Tech&Learning Live Chicago and Boston 2017!

Demos of the latest tools for K-12 Presenters Kristin Lagerquist, Joan Biese, Natalie Profita and Deanna Nelson explore app smashing, augmented reality apps and cool online formative assessment tools. Carol Holzberg demonstrates Smithsonian TweenTribune, Pixlr Editor, and more while Cassandra Charles demonstrates the Summit Personalized Learning Platform.

Cool Tool Smackdown
Both sides of the device divide--instruction and tech--come together to provide the meaningful content, training, and buy-in needed to sustain successful 1:1 and BYOD programs.

  • Presenters: Anne Truger, Charlene Chausis, Mary Mlinar-Stephens, Hank Thiele, Dan Rezac and moderator Michael Gorman debate the merits of Choosito, Analyze My Writing, Google Keep and many more cool tools for the modern classroom.

Really Cool Tool Duels

  • Stephanee Stephens moderates this Cool Tool Smackdown from presenters Sharon Mumm, Kati Searcy, Staci Gelbaum, Jennifer Liang, Marcus Borders, and Cynthia Hardy.
  • Salvador Contes and Chris Casal make their cases for apps, add-ons, and other edtech tools.
  • In this lightning-paced “cool tool” duel, David Jakes and Dan Rezac advocate for their top edtech tools while the audience votes on their favorites.

Social Media in the Classroom

David Lockhart, Jessica Jackson, Heather Cox, Stephanee Stephens, and Stacy Brown talk about their favorite social media tools and how they are using them with students.

Twitter and Social Media as Tools for Teachers and Students
Notes from a presentation and discussion facilitated by Michelle Russell and Julie Smith.

From Social Media to Co-Learning
Howard Rheingold’s opening keynote on the shift to “co-learning” in which students take more responsibility for their own and each other’s learning and the instructor gives them power to shape curriculum and design/redesign pedagogy on the fly.

Strategies and Tools to Support the Four Cs
A variety of tools and strategies that district leaders have used to support the “4Cs” (Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity).

Listen to the Students: The Ultimate Smackdown
Students from Newport Mesa USD, Long Beach USD and Los Angeles USD share their favorite tools.

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Brandon Lutz encourages audience members to share their very favorite digital resources – in small groups and with the broader audience.

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