Today's Newsletter: Summer Shouldn’t Stop Learning

Today's Newsletter: Summer Shouldn’t Stop Learning

Much like snow days, the summer months seem sacrosanct to some. And while I agree conceptually, the reality today is students need to keep learning whether school is in session or not. Many districts are finding a solution through online learning. Middle and high school students across Missouri are earning original and recovery credits online through the Missouri Online Summer Institute (MOSI). The virtual summer school, hosted by Grandview R-2 School District, gives students free access courses from Fuel Education. San Mateo (CA) county's Summer Learning Challenge, hosted by the libraries, use a new tool called Beanstack that enables students to track summer reading goals, receive reading lists, and earn badges by attending library events. And some institutes of higher learning are offering courses to children such as Pittsburg State in Kansas. While it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun this summer, there is no reason to just shut off your brain. Or at least that is what I try to convince my kids!
—Kevin Hogan, Content Director

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