July 2013

July 2013



Funding Your EdTech: T&L’s Annual Guide to All Things Money
This valuable resource provides districts with tips and best practices to get your tech initiatives off the ground and sustain them for years to come. Highlights include:

Spending the Money
These grant-winning schools share their stories of how they spent their grant money on unique edtech programs, and what they did to win those grants.

The True Cost of Tech
An IT director explains how his district rethought its TCO to tell a smarter story.

Funding Your 1:1
You’re probably well beyond asking if it’s time to go 1:1 because you know it is. Now comes the hard part: how are you going to pay for it? Our SchoolCIO advisors share some strategies.

A Great Guide To Grants
“Grant Guru” Gary Carnow shares his tips for writing a winning grant.

SchoolCIO Profile: Paul Sanfrancesco

SchoolCIO Profile: Andrew Wallace

SchoolCIO: Back Office Business


What’s New
T&L’s round-up of the latest tools for schools.


Editors Desk: Funding Fundamentals

News & Trends
• 7 Best Ways to Go Paperless (from Google)
• 5 Tips for a Successful 1:1 Implementation
• Getting ConnectED
• Millenials Think Tech Opens Doors

They Said It: Shred It
CIO Advisor David Andrade shares his resources and tips for saving money by going paperless.