Strengthening teacher and principal performance: New guide offers best practices

Pearson today released a new guide, “Evaluating Teachers and Principals: Developing Fair, Valid, and Reliable Systems.” The guide aims to help policymakers, state board members, school district leaders, and other stakeholders as they design educator effectiveness systems that are fair, valid, and legally defensible.

Pearson’s guide walks education leaders through numerous steps necessary to engage stakeholders and build a strong policy framework for educator effectiveness systems. Steps include:

  • Defining the construct for what constitutes an effective educator
  • Deploying multiple indicators to reveal evidence that characterizes good teaching and school leadership
  • Building strong data analysis and reporting tools to reveal useful information about students, educators, and schools, including how they perform and how they can continually improve through targeted feedback and ongoing professional development

Developing fair and valid educator effectiveness systems is a focus of Pearson’s research and development agenda, which builds on years of experience working with states and national organizations, such as the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) to develop, deliver and score pre- and in-service educator assessments, teacher and leader rubrics, and evaluator training protocols.

Pearson invites education leaders to share their insights on the content of the guide as well as perspectives on the components of a successful educator effectiveness system at