Today's Newsletter: E-rate Funding Momentum

Trying to prolong the momentum started by President Obama’s Connect-Ed announcement in North Carolina last month, ISTE and other parties are lobbying for quick action for more bandwidth for schools this summer. 1,700 educators signed a petition sent to FCC Acting Chairwoman Clyburn, Commissioner Rosenworcel and Commissioner Pai to consider increased investment in the successful E-Rate program to accomplish ConnectEd’s goals. Says ISTE CEO Brian Lewis: “Today, demand for E-Rate funding is more than double the amount of available funds and ISTE believes this nation must double down on its investment in E-Rate.” The group Funds for Learning recently surveyed schools and found ninety percent believed that the E-rate program is critical to their success, and a majority expressed concern over the lack of adequate funding for the program. Want some anecdotal data? These schools in East Iowa explain how high bandwidth is as essential to school as indoor plumbing and electricity. —Kevin Hogan, Editorial Director