NCTET Event Shows How Teachers Harness Ed Tech Tools

The National Coalition for Technology in Education and Training (NCTET) turned the House of Representatives’ Education and the Workforce Committee Room into four digital classrooms yesterday to demonstrate how education technology is transforming the way teachers teach and students learn.

Attendees had the opportunity to take a chemistry class that collected temperature data with digital probes, use a Discovery Education Techbook to learn about space exploration, and interact with a pre-algebra app built by the Center for Applied Special Technology and based on principles of universal design. Participants also had a chance to hear from Brandt Redd, CTO of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortia, about the forthcoming Common Core assessments and review sample questions.

The event also included an expert panel of educators discussing the importance of teacher preparation –in graduate school and on-the-job – for delivering technology-fueled lessons and the need for additional funding to ensure that all students are adequately equipped with technology and have access to sufficient bandwidth.