TechPilot Labs Launches ChromeTools at ISTE

TechPilot Labs Launches ChromeTools at ISTE

Launching today at ISTE in Chicago, TechPilot labs launches ChromeTools after months of public beta. ChromeTools is a cloud-based classroom management solution providing a variety of tools that allow teachers to monitor and keep students on-task when using Chromebooks in the classroom. Tools include:

Class View: View thumbnail screens of entire class at a glance

Screen View: See detailed view of individual student screen

Screen Lock: Get class attention with “heads-up!” message

Tab Control: View list of all open tabs and remotely close

Open Sites: Remotely open one or more sites for entire class

Site Lock: Lock students into one or more specific sites

ChromeTools synchronizes with the district’s Google Admin account to automatically sync Google Classroom Classes and import teacher accounts. Teachers access the system using their regular school Google login account.

TechPilot Labs is pricing ChromeTools at $3 per device per year. Districts may choose an add-on product, FindMyChromebooks, that is accessible through the same interface and helps admins locate and recover lost or missing Chromebooks. The system also integrates with SchoolMDM, TechPilot’s MDM for iPads and other Apple devices to allow management of all platforms through a single interface.

TechPilot’s products are in use in hundreds of schools and districts across the U.S. and worldwide. For more information or to schedule a live demo visit