Inspiration from This Year’s ISTE Ignite Talks! #ISTE19

For the past couple of years I’ve been a live reporter at ISTE and for 2 years interviewed folks with my toddler, Savvy. This year I am attending the amazing ISTE conference virtually thanks to #PasstheScopeEDU and the #NOTatISTE19 team! Below I have embedded the recordings of both Toutoule Ntoya (@ToutouleNtoya)and Dan Kreiness (@dkreiness) of the ISTE Ignite Talks Round 1 and  Round 2. I also included some tweets highlighting the messages of the various presentations. There are over 20 presentations from educators and students from around the world lasting five minutes each.

Click to Watch the Recordings

Below are the recordings of the presentations thanks to Toutoule Ntoya, Ed.D (@ToutouleNtoya) and Dan Kreiness (@dkreiness).

These are the titles and order of the Round 1 Ignites:

1. “Define Your Why: Develop Your Passion to Live and Learn on Purpose,” Barbara Bray. 2. Sarah Jagels. 3. “Student-Passion-Fueled Green Team,” Jaime Chanter. 4. “The Edge of Epiphany: PL Doesn’t Have a Box,” Virginia Duncan. 5. “Growing Up Global: How Performing for a Worldwide Audience Gave Me Voice,” Ethan Duncan. 6. “Gamification That Works,” Josh Feinsilber. 7. “Promote Metacognition and Reflection in STEM,” Melinda Kolk. 8. “How the Design Process Helped Our School Fight Bigotry and Hate,” Henry Turner. 9. “Teaching Kids How to Build World-Changing Inventions — By Students for Students,” Sidharth Anantha. 10. “Don’t Vilify the Device: Quality Content Over Screen Time,” Douglas Konopelko. 11. “Saksham — The Story of How We Enabled the Blind,” Aryan Kaul. 12. “Mentoring Matters: Creating Leaders in Online Spaces,” Jennifer Casa-Todd. 13. “Beautiful Technology Will Save the World: How Exceptional Design Can Transform Learning,” Erik Petrik. 14. “Digital Design: Innovative Coding Through Embroidery,” Tammy Glass. 15. “STEM-Tastic Engineering for ALL Early Learners,” Patricia Smeyers. 16. “Catching Education Up With The World,” Alex Kovach

These are the titles and order of the Round 2 Ignites:

These are the titles and order of the Round 2 Ignites: 1. “Creativity: There’s Not an App for That,” Manuel S. Herrera. 2. “The Design-Thinking Challenge for Global Good,” Todd Flory. 3. “Art of Math Challenge,” Emily Silverman. 4. “Priming Brains to Learn: Neuroscience-Based Programs to Strengthen Students’ Executive Function Skills,” Karen Alexander. 5. “Shift Your Thinking: Close the Science Achievement Gap in Early Ed,” Jenna Mercury. 6. “How the Philadelphia Eagles Changed My Classroom Culture,” Kammas Kersch. 7. “The Partnership Playbook — Providing Authentic Learning Experiences to Prepare Students for Success,” Dennis Best. 8. “WanderlustEDU: An Educator’s Guide to Innovation, Change, and Adventure,” Micah Shippee. 9. “Video Game Clubs and Social Philanthropy,” Josh Bound. 10. “Shifting From Teacher-Centered to Learner-Centered: Examples From Over 500 Classrooms,” Katie Martin. 11. “Invisible Habits: How Might We Change the ‘Rules’ of School?,” Bill Selak.

Highlighted Tweets

Wakelet is a great free curation tool to capture thoughts, reflections, and reactions from Twitter during a presentation. These are some of the highlighted tweets.

If you are not at ISTE then check out this incredible infographic of ways to participate virtually created by @Edublogs.

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Shelly Terrell is a Technology and Computer teacher, education consultant, and author of books including Hacking Digital Learning Strategies: 10 Ways to Launch EdTech Missions in Your Classroom. Read more at

Shelly Terrell is an education consultant, technology trainer, and author. Read more at