T&L News(61)

  • Automated Scoring Eases Grading Burden
    In some Connecticut schools, essays graded with traditional red mark-ups and teacher comments are giving way to nearly instant feedback and guidance from an automated essay scoring program.
  • Internet Continues to Grow in Importance
    Roughly 80% of Internet users age 18 and under say that going online is very important or extremely important for their schoolwork, according to an ongoing study from the University of Southern California.
  • UK Rolls Out Online School Trip Planning Service
    The British government, concerned that out-of-classroom activities are being pushed aside by the demands of the national curriculum, testing, and fears of litigation over accidents, is funding the development of an online fieldtrip planning service.
  • NC Students To Explore R.O.B.O.T.S.
    Middle school students in North Carolina will have the opportunity to explore robotics as part of a North Carolina Mathematics and the Science Education Network project designed to demonstrates how robotics can be used to enhance the learning of astronomy and physics.
  • Videoconferencing Helps Shrink the World
    Students and staff at Indiana University are able to use the school's sophisticated two-way videoconferencing technology to converse live with almost anyone in the world.