Nimbus Capture: Versatile Screen Capture Tool for Grades 4-12

Nimbus Capture screenshot showing "start from scratch" page.
(Image credit: Nimbus Capture)

Capture, record, edit, and share screen content with versatile tool

Pros: Multiple options for recording and capturing all or parts of your screen open up different avenues for creative use and sharing.

Cons: Not all features are intuitive, and upgrade messages pop up often for videos.

Bottom Line: Easy-to-use options for uploading and sharing content make this a useful addition to any teacher's toolbox.

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App of the Day picks are selected from the top edtech tools reviewed by Common Sense Education, which helps educators find the best ed-tech tools, learn best practices for teaching with tech, and equip students with the skills they need to use technology safely and responsibly. 

By Common Sense Education

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(Image credit: Common Sense Media)