Testing Our Schools

Name:Testing Our Schools

Brief Description of the Site:
Testing Our Schools is a timely Web site dedicated to the examination of high stakes testing in American schools. The site contains numerous interviews with educational testing experts, as well as others, such as teachers and administrators who deal with assessment on a real and practical daily basis. The site also contains information about No Child Left Behind, the challenge of standards, and a truly interesting section on testing, teaching and learning.

How to use the site:
Any educator looking for an outstanding dialogue concerning high stakes testing should begin here. This site could be used in numerous ways by educators ranging from grant research to school improvement. School webmasters should link to this site, especially the "Parents Guide." The site also contains a handy 50 state guide that provides a "snapshot" of "standards, testing, and accountability policies," Finish your trip to the site by examining the comments in the "Discussion" section of the site to get a "flavor" for the opinions of educators and others relative to testing.

Submitted by:
David Jakes