Making It All Work Together

Talk about multi-tasking! As Professional Developers we have to attend to Standards, Curriculum, and Technology - all at the same time! Here's how:

  • Start with the state standards. Before a teacher designs a new unit, encourage her or him to start by choosing a standard or two to emphasize.
  • The next step is to design assessment which will determine "How will I know that the students have reached the goal?" For a helpful downloadable PDF form see the Constructivist Lesson Plan Form.
  • Support teachers in an ongoing way. Teachers do not only need tech support, they also need ongoing support with curriculum integration.
  • Provide time for collaboration among teachers. Take a look at the model of Sherman Oaks, CA at Edutopia Online the George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) website.

By following a model such as that, teachers could really work on these things in the context of practice.

Submitted by:Janice Friesen

Image from:My eCoach eLibrary