District Business

Framingham District Names Technology Director

Posted 12-18-08

Adam Seldow has been named technology director for Framingham (MA) Public Schools. A former Army captain, Seldow worked for a Boston tech company until it folded, then moved into the education field, teaching math at a charter school and later at a high school for two years.
Seldow previously served as CIO at Falls River (MA) Public Schools from February 2008 until the job was cut from the budget in October. During that time, Seldow directed the installation of a district-wide fiber optic network.
He currently is enrolled in a doctorate program at Harvard University, where is he researching the impact of educational technology on student performance.
Seldow started Wednesday (12/17) in the district, which had been without a technology director for two years.

Looking for a good read this holiday break? Check out these titles:

Posted 12-18-08

E-schooling: Global Messages from a Small Island
By Anderson John, Roger Austin, John Anderson
Published by Routledge, 2008
This book looks at how an entire school system is starting to transform learning through integration technology in schools. Based on evaluation of work in a wide range of schools in Northern Ireland, the authors set out to analyze two key questions: can the intervention of government and the forging of strategic alliances with providers of education and of technology bring about systemic change? And without radical reform of curriculum, assessment and learning are computers anything more than a decoration?

Technology Application Competencies for K-12 Teachers
By Irene Chen, Jane Thielemann
Published by Idea Group Inc (IGI), 2008
As the pressure on teachers to become technology specialists accumulates, it is critical that teacher educators, current teachers, and preservice teaching professionals pursue the accumulation of knowledge on the applications of technology such as digital graphics, desktop publishing, video technology, multimedia, and Internet applications. Technology Application Competencies for K-12 Teachers aids preservice and current teachers, graduate students, technology specialists, and teacher educators to better understand methods of integrating technology into their curricula. This authoritative text answers the demand for cutting-edge practical knowledge of technological principles to be applied in the planning, organization, delivery, and evaluation of instruction in today's classroom.

Generation Text: Raising Well-Adjusted Kids in an Age of Instant Everything
By Michael Osit
Published by AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn, 2008
In The Access and Excess Generation, clinical psychologist Dr. Michael Osit draws on his professional, as well as personal, experiences working with children and teens who have been challenged by unprecedented access to information, possessions, and temptation. Using case studies and examples, the book provides pragmatic and sensible strategies readers can use to address the unique issues faced by children surrounded by infinite choices...and very few limits.

Grading Education: Getting Accountability Right
by Richard Rothstein, et. Al., Teachers College Press, 2008

Instead of just grading progress in one or two narrow subjects, the authors argue that schools should be held accountable for the broad outcomes society expects from public education--basic knowledge and skills, critical thinking, an appreciation of the arts, physical and emotional health, and preparation for skilled employment. Grading Education describes the design of an alternative accountability system and explains the original design of NAEP in the 1960s, and shows why it should be revived.

Former Technology Director Files Whistleblower Suit

John Jakobovic, former technology director for the Greece Central School District, Greece, NY, claims in a September lawsuit he was fired for uncovering wrongdoing in the district.

He's seeking reinstatement, compensation for lost wages and benefits, unspecified compensatory damages, attorney's fees, and the reinstatement of his full fringe benefits and seniority right, according to a story in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.

Jakobovic was fired in March, shortly after speaking to a school board member about his concerns, which included the possible recording of incoming calls, a serious problem with the district's grade reporting software, and a breach of a computer containing confidential student information that was not reported to the state. District officials deny any wrongdoing but declined to comment on the litigation.

Del Mar District Appoints IT Director

The Del Mar Union School District, Del Mar, CA, has appointed Michael Casey as its director of technology following a national search.

Casey replaced Tom Hauseur, who retired in October 2007, and brings to the position more than 25 years of experience in technology and related fields. For the previous six years, Casey was executive director for Information Technology with the San Diego Unified School District. Before rising to that position Casey was a technology manager and program specialist and a computer science, math, and general science teacher in the district.