Share Spreadsheets Online


Google Spreadsheets is a Web-based spreadsheet product that makes it easier for people to create and share spreadsheets on the Web. It enables people to create simple Web-based spreadsheets that others can simultaneously update from their own computers.

You must have a Google or Gmail account to sign up for Google Spreadsheets. If you already have a Google Account, just sign in. After you sign in, name and save your spreadsheet.

  • Type in the text and numbers just as you would with any spreadsheet. You can even import and export .xls (Excel) and .csv (Comma-Separated Values) data.
  • Click on a cell and it shows up in the formula bar.
  • Click Formula and choose Sum, Average, Count, Minimum, Maximum, or more.
  • Press Enter or Tab to insert the results.

Click Format and the format bar appears.

Select the cell(s) to add effects such as bold text, italicized text, and more.

Click Sort to sort your data by A to Z or Z to A.

You can invite people to edit or view your spreadsheet. Just type in their Email addresses separated by commas.

TIP: Save your spreadsheet on your hard drive and then make a copy for sharing. Since shared spreadsheets are editable, this will preserve a copy of your original work, just-in-case.

Google Spreadsheets does not have the ability to create graphs and macros. However you can still import and export data and share your data with others. You can create and store up to 100 spreadsheets. Try it out, but be aware that it is still in beta. A new feature is embedding the code into your Website so the spreadsheet appears online.

Next Tip: Google Docs