A Guide to Visiting the Lands of Many Nations

A Guide to Visiting the Lands of Many Nations

This is a beautiful .pdf version of a brochure written by the Circle of Tribal Advisors, the Native American group connected with the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Reenactment. Although it is written in conjunction with the Bicentennial, the content of the brochure is ageless. Written with a perspective that Lewis and Clark's journey was a foreshadowing of future sorrow, the authors still welcome visitors to the lands with open arms. They ask only that visitors of other cultures respect their lands, legends, beliefs, and sacred sites. The brochure also offers vivid pictures and narrative about the Lewis and Clark journey through their lands. Of great interest is the listing of current tribes that are living along the trail and the tribal events that are scheduled for the Bicentennial. This is an excellent tool that teachers can use to present the Native American perspective of the famous Lewis and Clark journey.

Circle of Tribal Advisors, Lewis and Clark Bicentennial

• Pictures and/or Illustrations • Biographical Information

• High School Middle School Elementary School

Becky Moeggenberg