Using 360º Videos on YouTube? Check out YouTube’s Heatmap Analytics! #VR

Using 360º Videos on YouTube? Check out YouTube’s Heatmap Analytics! #VR

I have uploaded a few VR videos on my Youtube channel… pretty modest stuff really, but I wonder where people are looking when they engage in my VR content. Youtube’s Heatmap Analytics show me exactly where people are looking as they engage in my VR videos.

This can be used to inform how I shoot video and orient the final product for my viewers.

[Game-Based Learning Yields Empathetic Understanding]

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Micah Shippee, PhD is an out-of-the-box-doer, a social studies teacher, and a technology trainer. He works to bridge the gap between research and practice in the educational sector. Micah explores ways to improve motivation in the classroom and seeks to leverage emergent technology to achieve educational goals. As an innovative "ideas" person, Micah likes to think, and act, outside the box. Micah is motivated and energetic, taking a creative approach towards achieving goals. As an Educational Consultant, and Keynote Speaker, he focuses on the adoption of emergent technology through the development of an innovative learning culture. Micah believe that innovativeness is the pedagogy of the future.