

Brief Description of the Site:
BrainPOP's animated movies display Health, Science and Technology topics. The movies begin with a letter sent to the site by a child. BrainPOP makes a movie to answer the question using characters Tim and Moby. Besides the movies, other characters add to the learning with features that play off the movie theme with related topics.

How to use the site:
You can use BrainPOP in two ways. Everyone can use the movies and content and with a registration, students can personalize BrainPOP. (Adults must help.) Students and teachers will find the health, science, and technology movies informative and fun to watch. BrainPop has interactive quizzes to play while the movies load as sort of a pre-test of the movie content. After the movie, use the quizzes for a post-test activity. Because the content is based on real kids and their questions, BrainPOP is a favorite for teachers and kids.

Submitted by:
Ken Royal